Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Cadets, post questions here as comments on this post that you'd like to see turned into new threads for discussion.


that cadet said...

I didn't see this as a choice for AFSCs, how do you get this job...and what do you do as a Hospital Admin?

Stealth Cadet said...

I've heard that this application process starts in the fall of your senior year...right after you return from summer leave?

How does it work if you've already gotten a pilot slot or something else, can you still apply to MSC?

MMeringola said...

This will not be a part of the upcoming AFSC selection process. It is a separate application process involving essays, letters of recommendation, GMAT/GRE testing, and an interview. The actual MSC selection board (at Randolph AFB - AFPC) occurs each October; however the application packet must be completed by around the Aug/Sept timeframe. Shoot me an email at Marshall.Meringola@usafa.af.mil for more info about the application process.

MMeringola said...

The application process does require early preparation - the process actually ends about the time you return from summer (Aug/Sept). You will have already been assigned another AFSC by the time you apply for the Medical Service Corps (MSCs) - you will need to have been identified as having interest in applying to be an MSC and a "release letter" will need to be created to remove you from your previous AFSC. A pilot slot is probably one of the more difficult AFSCs to be released from - others are not as complicated. Generally though, the bottom line is that an MSC selection will trump all other AFSCs . . .

MichChanel said...

I have my AFSC already- it is Finance. I haven't taken the GMAT or GRE either. I'm graduating this year in 2007. How should I go about preparing to apply for Hospital Admin? I really want to do this job. Does it make a difference what i do take? The GRE or GMAT?
Also, I'm a biology major. Should I go ahead and get recommendations from teacher who know me now so I can just submit an application in october? I'm just really confused with whom i should talk with, which offices, after i graduate, to ensure that i am in the pool for Hospital admin. Thanks so much!!!

MMeringola said...

Sorry it's taken so long to get back about this . . .
Unfortunately, AFPC is not accepting waivers for non-business related degrees. Since last year there have been a number of Biology majors who have sought application but AFPC has denied their request - doesn't make a lot of sense to me, we've tried fighting for change but little success . . . if you have further questions please email me directly, I work right over in the hospital on base - Marshall.Meringola@usafa.af.mil