Tuesday, January 30, 2007


What do you like Best about being in Hospital Admin?

What do you like least?


Stealth Cadet said...

What's the best thing about hospital admin? And worst?

What did your worst day so far look like? And your best?

MMeringola said...

In the field of Health Care Administration, there is a relaxed, professional work environment. Whether direct care provider, health technician, or administrator we all work towards achieving the same goal, that of providing the highest quality healthcare for our patients. This can also lead to somewhat stressful scenarios and occasional long-day. In my two-plus years in the field, I really haven't had a "bad or worst" day, however, the longest day occurred during the end of fiscal year budget close-out. This was a day starting at 730 and ending about 2am the next morning, but this type of day is only a few times a year at most. The best days are when I am able to meet new people in the facility and at the completion of assigned projects. If you have more questions, just email me (I'm in the global - last name Meringola) and we can discuss the process for making application . . .